How to Upgrade Oracle Grid from 12c to 19c

This post will go though the steps needed to upgrade an Oracle Grid High Availability Services (HAS) from version 12c ( to 19c (19.13.0) on a Linux environment. 1:- As per document Doc ID 2539751.1, Patch 28553832 is a prerequisite for both GI and DB Upgrade. Here the steps to apply Oct 2021 PSU which... » read more

Oracle 12c: How to apply Oct 21 PSU –

This activity is part of a GI upgrade from to 19c, in which we need to apply latest PSU first, so here are the steps: 1:- Patches available here: 2:- (as ROOT) Update OPACH version to latest available. ( 3:- (as ROOT) Run prepatch script. (RDBMS instances should be stopped first) 4:- GI patching:... » read more

How to Configure: Oracle Database Native Network Encryption

Setting up Network Encryption in our Oracle environment is very easy, we just need to add these lines to the sqlnet.ora on server side: Ideally, on the client side we should add these too: But since ENCRYPTION_CLIENT by default is ACCEPTED, if we see this chart, connection would be encrypted (ACCEPTED – REQUESTED case) Lets... » read more

Trace File 10053 to understand the Optimizer (CBO)

The reason to trace the CBO is to understand why the Optimizer made some decisions. In this example we are going to see why same query sometimes uses an index and others it doesn’t, same example was explained HERE It is always useful to have a “GOOD” and “BAD” execution, this way it is easier... » read more

Oracle 19c : Active Data Guard and AWR Reports

On this activity we are going to generate snapshots on an active standby so we can be able to create AWR reports. This is our setup: We need to perform the following steps to enable AWR reporting from a physical standby database. 1:- Unlock SYS$UMF user and reset the password. SYS$UMF account is used to... » read more

Oracle 19c: Step by Step Physical Standby CDB Database Setup

On this activity we are going to create a Physical Standby from a 19c in CDB configuration: These are the details for the primary DB: Our plan is to create a Standby DB with these details: STEPS: 1:- Prepare Primary database Enable force logging and archivelog mode: Create Standby Redo Log (SRL) files: **We are... » read more

DGMGRL: How to enable BROKER (19c)

On this practice, we are going to configure DATAGUARD BROKER in a new PRIMARY/STANDBY configuration and see what errors we get since this is a new setup. This is our current lab: 1:- Add the DG broker files to ASM on both primary and Standby: 2:- Start DG broker at DB level on both systems:... » read more