
Oracle 23ai: How to create a True Cache

True Cache is an in-memory, read-only replica database, similar to Oracle Active Data Guard but without disk storage. On this activity we are going to create a True Cache DB but I’m limited to the memory of my lab and I can not create a huge DB to test, so DB needs to be small.We... » read more

Oracle Linux 8: Block Device Names changing

Today I went to start a db on my Oracle Linux 8 server and had this error: Checking the database filesystem, I see the contents are from /boot: What is happening?? This behavior matches “Oracle Linux: Kernel Block Device Names changing, Order Became Non-deterministic (Doc ID 2899803.1)” so I did: done!

Oracle 23ai: How to AI Vector Search

This is a simple example of using the AI Vector Search feature in Oracle database 23ai.We are going to use one provided by Oracle called all-MiniLM-L12-v2. This model is explained here. We are going to use it to generate vectors from plain text following this guide from here. Load the Model: download and unzip: Connect... » read more

Oracle 23ai: How to create DB in silent mode

On this activity we are going to create a DB in silent mode.We don’t have GI on this environment and since software has been only released for Engineered Systems, we need to create with “_exadata_feature_on=true” DB created: Note that on 23ai, you are forced to have PDB’s. There might be some trick to be a... » read more

Oracle 23ai: How to configure Dataguard PDB

On this activity we are going to setup Dataguard at PDB level.Here both DB’s are running on the same host but on different ORACLE_HOME.This was first introduced on 21c and we are going to follow the Oracle documentation from here. First DB (as SOURCE DB): Second DB (as TARGET DB): 1:- Both DB’s need to... » read more

Oracle 23ai: How to install RDBMS software (GUI)

On this activity we are going to install and create a new 23ai DB on a standalone server (Virtualbox). We are going to download the software for Exadata from Software Clod Delivery. There is the option for Grid Infrastructure, but so far not able to overcome the fact I’m trying to install on a non-engineered... » read more